Monday, June 17, 2013

Greetings from a hot basement laundry room at the MTC :)

In case you all were not aware, I love you so so so so much. More than a hick loves 'Merica.
And also... I LEAVE FOR PARIS IN EXACTLY ONE WEEK!! :) I get to call you next Monday (the 24th) sometime from 1:30-3:30 California time. I think. So just keep your phone on you, Mom. :) I can call you right after I go through security at the airport.

Cool story. I met Brother Player's (from Silver Lakes ward) younger brother! He's going to Paris with me next Monday! I was wearing a Victorville, CA shirt and he told me his brother lived there forever, and it all clicked.
Accidentally matching on Sunday
 I got to be a host twice now!
(Which means I got to pick up the new girls from the curb and take them to their residence, then to get their books, then to their classroom.) So I get to be the first person to comfort them and make them feel at ease about all the changes that are happening. I LOVE IT. I get to do it one more time! 2 weeks ago we had the most missionaries in history enter the MTC...960!! :O It was a madhouse! Imagine almost a thousand new missionaries running all over the place. It was so cool to be there for it though.
Has anyone seen that movie on youtube about the kid who gets a fake missiona call to Antarctica??  
[ Fake Mission Call to Anartica  ]  SO funny! I met the Elder! He was in my French hall. :) He's going to Montreal. He's the Elder on the right (my left) His name is Elder Anderson, and his companion is Elder Smith. SO funny! Both of them.
Your French lesson for the week:
You know how when planes are crashing, the pilot says "May day! May day! into the radio? Well... he's actually saying "M'aidez! M'aidez!" Which is the verb "aider" or "to help" conjugated for "vous" or "you", and then the "M" is for "me." So it means "Help me! Help me!" Cool, huh?
-"C'est frais!" (pronounced SAY FRAY) means "That's fresh!"
-"Mince!" (pronounced MANCE) means "fiddlesticks!" It's a really clean super missionary appropriate way of exclaiming when you drop all your books off of your really tiny desk.
-"C'y est!" (pronounced SIGH YAY) means "There it is!" Used whenever the really obvious Elder in your district says his catch phrase. :) haha
-"Tous pour chaqun, et chaqun pour tous." means "All for one, and one for all." :)
The word for calf (like your leg, not the cow) is "mollet." (pronounced MO-LAY) My French teacher said there are bikers EVERYWHERE in France, and every time one would go by him and his companion, he would turn to his companion and say "Oh! Les mollet!" Which means "Oh! The calves!" and sounds like "Holy Moly!" :D French is so great.
The AMAZING box of goodies I got from Hal! :D I LOVED IT!! IT SAVED MY LIFE!!
Makes sure he knows that!! :D THANK HIM THANK HIM THANK HIM!!
I got to do sealings this morning! It was AMAZING! I got to be a daughter a few times. And I just sat there smiling and crying. :) And all the old people sat there smiling back at me. This church is SO TRUE! The Lord is all powerful and so merciful. What an amazing and perfect plan of happiness and salvation he has made for us. Tell it to everyone you can! :)
We just barely taught our first lesson on the plan of salvation, and it was so wonderful. I got to my part and felt so strongly that I wasn't supposed to talk about what I had planned. So I just paused and said a shoe prayer. I just stared down at Eloise's shoes and said a quick prayer and said "Ok, here I go. I don't know what I'm supposed to say and I know I don't know how to say it in French, but I'm following thee. Please help me." And the spirit entered the room and everything went perfectly. And somehow I talked all about how God is just and fair and loves Eloise so much. I told her how the gospel is preached to the dead and how everyone gets an equal chance. And then I told her how lucky she is to get the chance to hear the gospel in this life! She just sat there smiling and after told us it was one of our best lessons ever. I don't even know how I whipped out passe compose in the middle of that lesson, but the Lord is definitely behind this work. :)

My Sister Training Leader, Sister Taylor. I LOVE this Sister. Amazing girl.
And Mom, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THINKING TO HAVE US READ THE BOOK OF MORMON BEFORE I CAME HERE. I had a little teacher conference last week to discuss what I needed to improve on, what I'm doing well, and then some goals for the field. My teacher just smiled at me and said "I have no French things to discuss with you. Your French is AWESOME. You have the BEST pronunciation. You're a hard worker, and I'm not worried about you at all. You, Sister Bradley, will be just fine." :D I know it's because you helped me with my French right before and spoke it to me my whole life. THANK YOU!!
And I love all of the RESTEZ CALME memes you sent me. They are hung all over my walls. :)
Mom, look in the conference Ensign for May! Sister Al Vine (The temple square sister who was from Paris) is on page 134. I recognized her and got SO excited!! :D
[Here's the picture of Sister Vine two days before Autumn entered the MTC]
The way you say "sister" in French is "soeur" (pronounced basically like "sir") I feel like I get called "Sir Bradley" about fifty times a day. I expect them to start saluting any time now.
Well, I love you all! The gospel of Jesus Christ is again restored upon the earth and God's power is here too! Don't EVER take that knowledge for granted. Knowing that will change the way you act and the way you treat others. And it will DEFINITELY change the way you talk about your religion. :) Don't be selfish with the truth! Shout it from the rooftops!
So much love it's ridiculous, Soeur Autumn Bradley
My district and the famous map

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